Brenda DykGraaf:
Champion Within You
For over 35 years, Brenda has been a United States Aerobic Champion and a world-wide fitness expert.
Her philosophy is simple and direct “If you follow my techniques and rely on the Champion Within You, you can achieve anything!”
She started by launching her “Aerobics and Nautilus Fitness Centre” in Florida with an innovative approach that quickly established her as one of the top exercise trendsetters. Brenda also realized a universal truth; people everywhere want to be fit and healthy, but they struggle with finding the time, equipment, and programs to achieve their goals.
With that in mind, she helped design the “AirClimber®,” a groundbreaking low-impact, air-powered stepper followed by a wide range of pioneering abdominal and full-body exercise systems including the Lateral Thigh Trainer, SlimStrider 360, Gravity Edge, SuperStep, Gravity Rider, and InStride® Walker. Brenda’s expertise has been featured in over 460 exercise workout DVDs, videos, and YouTube, plus she is certified by IDEA, AFAA, and Nautilus.
Fitness Expert featured in over 460 exercise workout DVDs, videos and YouTube. IDEA, AFAA, Nautilus Certified.
International Fitness Celebrity seen on HSN, QVC, QVC London, TSC (Canada) and fitness infomercials since 1989.
Fitness Champion of Coppertone® and Crystal Light® Mixed Pair, Team and Singles Aerobic Championships. Inducted into the National Fitness Hall of Fame in 2014 and ERA Female Presenter of 1996 and 2004, as well as InterGlobal International Outstanding Infomercial Presenter 2005.
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