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Many of you have asked me to compare traditional walking for exercise with SlimStrider’s low-impact striding movement, also known as SlimStriding. While there are some similarities between these workouts, there are also several important differences that could influence your choice of exercise.
Similarities and Differences in Exercise Impact
Both walking and SlimStriding are effective workouts for burning fat and controlling weight. If you enjoy walking, there’s no need to abandon it. However, the differences between these two exercises become apparent in two key areas: the muscles they activate and the impact on your body.
Impact on Your Body
A recent study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine reveals that walkers experience approximately 112 percent of their body weight striking the ground with each step. This means that every time you walk, your body endures significant impact. In contrast, SlimStriding involves minimal to no impact since you are not making direct contact with the ground. Instead, you move your legs back and forth or side to side while suspended above the ground. This reduced impact can be particularly advantageous for individuals with sore joints who may find walking or jogging too strenuous to obtain the health benefits they seek.
Muscle Activation
The muscles engaged during these two workouts also differ. When walking at a pace of 3 to 4 miles per hour, the primary muscles activated are those in the calves. On the other hand, SlimStriding targets the larger muscles in the thighs and buttocks, engaging a broader range of leg muscles. This not only enhances the effectiveness of your workout but also reduces the sensation of strain. Additionally, SlimStriding strengthens and tones all the muscles in your legs, including the adductors and abductors, as you perform side-to-side movements. This comprehensive muscle engagement allows for a more balanced workout, potentially improving overall leg strength and stability.
Choosing the Right Workout for You
If you are able to walk for fitness, it is an excellent choice, especially when done outdoors. Walking is one of life’s simple pleasures, offering both physical and mental benefits. However, for those who live in climates that are too hot or cold, suffer from outdoor air pollution, or experience joint pain, SlimStriding presents a valuable alternative. This low-impact exercise can be performed comfortably in the privacy of your own home, providing a feasible option for maintaining fitness without the challenges associated with outdoor walking.
While both walking and SlimStriding are effective for weight management and fat burning, they differ significantly in terms of impact and muscle engagement. Walking involves higher impact and primarily targets the calf muscles, while SlimStriding offers a lower-impact alternative that engages the larger muscles of the legs and provides a more comprehensive workout. Your choice between these two exercises may depend on your personal preferences, environmental conditions, and any physical limitations you may have.
Keep Exercising. Your body will love you for it.
– Brenda